
想见你英文 高级主题英语,爱你,深入骨髓。想你,如痴如醉

过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有归途的路,以往的一切春天都无法复原,即使最狂乱且坚韧的爱情,归根结底也不过是一种瞬息即逝的现实。The past was a lie,that memory has no return,that every spring gone bycould never be recovered,and that the wildestand most tenacious lovewas an ephemeral truthin the end.ephemeral [??fem?r?l] adj.短暂的tenacious [t??ne???s] adj.不松手的;坚持的What is the secret to love?爱情的秘密是什么?The Secret to Love is kindness.爱情的秘密是善良。My best birth control nowis just to lea-v-e the lights on.我最好的避孕方式是不关灯。Your freedom is the only thingthat matters.自由才最重要。Will you elope for love?你会为爱而私奔吗?You shouldn’ton your feet all daywhen you are expecting.你怀孕期间不能老是站着。You should ha-v-e the ballsto take back what is yours.你们必须有胆量拿回本就属于你们的东西。You mustlet go of the ideathat to be single isto be unhappyand unfulfilled你要摈弃单身就会不快乐、就会有失败感这一想法。You marriage wasfalling apart andyou needed a distraction.你的婚姻快完蛋了,你需要转移注意力。You are still hung up on john.I do not want toha-v-e my heart broken again.你对约翰仍然念念不忘。我不想再次心碎。Working mothersare used to juggling their jobs,their children’s needsand their housework.职场妈妈已经(xi)惯了,既要工作,又要照顾孩子,还得做家务。What scares me most is thatI’m going to end upnot being married最让我担心的是我会一辈子嫁不出去。What am I supposed to dowithout you.没有了你,我该怎么办。We’re women.Our choices are never easy.我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。We shouldn’t be doing this.我们不该这样。Fighting and throwing blame at each other.吵来吵去,相互指责。We are a family.我们是一家人。This relationshipis on its last legs.这段关系已经快玩儿完了。They were planning ongetting married他们打算结婚。They decided to start a family.他们决定要孩子。The two didn’t get alongin the past,but now they hit it off well.过去他俩不大对头,现在却合得来了。The more gifts she received,the more she cra-v-ed,until he was livingbeyond his means.得到的礼物越多,她的胃口就越大,直到他入不敷出为止。The best thing you can do isto find a person wholoves you for exactly what you are.世界上最幸福的事,就是能找到个喜(xi)欢你真实的你的人。Since he wasdivorced with his wife,he turned his life topsy-turvy.自从他与他的太太离婚后,他的生活变成一团糟。She’s takenand always play the field,Just like a bumblebeegoing from flower to flower.她名花有主而且脚踩多条船,就像花间飞舞的大黄蜂一样。She’s got the hotsfor the new manager.她对这位新来的经理爱慕不已。She was seeing a white boy.她在和白人男孩交往。She waited for yearsfor him to pop the question.她等了好多年等他求婚。She is going to divorce himon the grounds of adultery.她以丈夫搞婚外情为由要求离婚。She has gone on holidaywith her husband totry to patch up their marriage.她和她丈夫一起去度假了,以期弥合他们婚姻的裂隙。She has been so deeply hurtit may take foreverfor the wounds to heal.她内心受伤太深,也许再也无法愈合。She had come to termswith the factthat her husbandwould always be crippled.她只好接受了丈夫将终生残疾这个现实。She had beendeluding herselfthat he loved her.她一直欺骗自己相信他爱着她。She fell head over heelsfor him.她深深爱上了他。She concealed her pregnancyright up to the moment of birth.她隐瞒了自己怀孕的事,直到孩子出世。She burst into tears and fled.她突然哭了起来,跑开了。She and he werecongenial companionin youth.congenial [k?n?d?i?ni?l]adj.意气相投的;情趣相投的;他和她是竹马青梅,志趣相投。Relationships area waste of time.Flying solo isthe only way to go.谈恋爱真浪费时间,单身贵族才是王道。One dayI’ll want to settle downand ha-v-e a family.总有一天,我会想安定下来,成个家。Once you get stuck ina downward spiral of self-doubtin which you obsess aboutwhat’s holding you back frommeeting a weing-worthy guy,it’s tough to dig your way out.一旦你陷入螺旋式的自我怀疑中,你会执着于为什么你不能遇到一个值得结婚的人,你就很难找出出路。Now she must betired of my sulks.现在她肯定受够了我的坏脾气。My girlfriend and Ibroke up.我和我的女朋友吹了。My doctor saysI’m lacking Vitamin U.医生说我缺维生素U。* U即youMother is devoted to Dadalthough they squabbleall the time.母亲很爱父亲,尽管他们总是为琐事拌嘴。Most men would rathergo to the gra-v-e thanown up tofeelings of dependency.大多数男人宁死都不愿承认有依赖感。Men marry because they are tired;women because they are curious;both are disappointed.男人因疲倦而结婚,女人因好奇而结婚,最终他们都会失望。Mary rejected Tony’samorous advances.amorous [??m?r?s] adj.表示性爱的;含情脉脉的玛丽拒绝了托尼的挑逗。Marriage isthe triumph ofimagination over intelligence.Second marriage isthe triumph ofhope over experience.结婚是想象战胜了理智,再婚是希望战胜了经验。Many parents want their daughtersto marry into a good family.许多父母希望自己的女儿嫁个好人家。Love is neverwithout jealousy.没有妒忌就没有爱情Love is full of trouble.爱情充满烦恼。Love is blind.是盲目的。Love cannot be compelled.爱情不能强求。It turned outshe was shacked upwith a lawyer in New York.原来她在纽约和一名律师同居了。It takes a minuteto ha-v-e a crush on someonean hour to like someoneand a day to love someone.对一个人有觉得需要一分钟,喜(xi)欢一个人需要一小时,爱上一个人需要一天。I’m sure thatyou know deep downwhether or not he likes you.我确信你内心深处非常清楚他是否喜(xi)欢你。I’m prepared toput you ahead of mefor the rest of my life.我已经准备好下半辈子都把你放在我生命里的第一位。I’m dying to see you.我很想见你。I’ll pay you backfor the rest of my life.我会用我的余生来偿还你的。If your man is cheating,he’s not thinking aboutyou one way or another.要是你的男人出轨了,他根本就不在乎你,无论你是什么样的。If you want kids,then kids it is!如果你想要孩子,那就要吧If you do love me,free me from your embrace,allow my mind to roam freelyand give me greater spacefor expression.爱我就应该放开你的怀抱,让我的思想展翅翱翔,让我有更大的说话空间。If you allow me,I will take care of youfor the rest of my life.假如你愿意,我会用我的余生来照顾你。If he dumps me,he deserves to suffer.他要是敢甩我,就活该受罪。I want to share my life with you.我想和你共度一生。I want to marry a manwho will wait on mehand and foot.我想嫁给一个能对我俯首帖耳的男人。I want to be with youfor the rest of my life.我想后半辈子都和你在一起。I thought he was going todump me for another girl.我以为他要为了另一个女孩而和我分手。I think your ex-wifeis trying to get back at you.我觉得你的前妻在试图报复你。I think thatwe will live together forever.我想我们会永远生活在一起。I plucked up the courageto ask her for a date.我鼓起勇气约了她。I phoned him upon the spur of the moment.我一时心动,给他打了📞。I never hook upat weings.我从来不在婚礼上发展对象。I just want tocut loose with him.我只想摆脱他。I hope some dayyou will find the womanwho will make you happy.我希望有一天你能找到一个会让你幸福的女人。I heard thatyou’re getting married.Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜(xi)!I ha-v-e heard thathe has been married before.我听说他过去结过婚。I hate to break it to you,but I don’t thinkwe can go out any more.我讨厌跟你明说,不过我认为我们不适合再交往下去了。I first met him at a partyand from that evening on,I was smitten.第一次见到他是在一次派对上,从那夜起我就迷上他了。I don’t want to quarrel with youany more or to make a scene.我不想再和你吵嘴或者打闹。I do believeI will be with one personfor the rest of my life.我真的相信会和某个人共度余生的。I can never, ever forgive him.I despise him.我永远不会原谅他。我鄙视他。I am stuck in a relationshipwhich I don’t enjoy.我被一段自己并不喜(xi)欢的恋情困住了。I am just curious aboutwhat would it be likeif you kissed a girl.我只是好奇亲吻一个女生是什么样的感觉。I am crazy about her.我对她着迷了。However you deny it,you’re a gigolo.[???ɡ?lo?]尽管你不承认,你是吃软饭的。How was your date?你的约会怎么样?How can you juggleyour relationshipand your career?你是怎么处理爱情和工作的关系呢?His marriagewas going througha bad patch.他的婚姻当时麻烦不断。Hey, don’t snap at me.We’re not married yet.嘿,别冲我吼。我们还没结婚呢。Her endless naggingdrove his husbnadaway from home.她无休止的唠叨抱怨逼得他老公离家出走了。He’d had a steamy affairwith an office colleague.他曾和办公室里的一个同事有过一段热辣的婚外情。He was handsome,upright andchivalrous[???v?lr?s].他长相英俊,为人正直,风度翩翩。He was determined toha-v-e one last flingbefore retiring.他决心在退休前最后痛痛快快地玩乐一番。He talked meinto marrying him.He also talked meinto ha-v-ing a baby.他花言巧语让我嫁给了他,又说服我生了个孩子。He never had the gutsto confess to her.他从来没有胆量向她告白。He is head over heelsin love with that girl.他深深地爱恋着那位姑娘。He had got a girl pregnantand felt obligated toher and the child.他搞大了一个女孩的肚子,觉得自己有责任照顾母子俩。He got down on one knee,and asked me ifI would marry him.他单膝跪地,问我是否愿意嫁给他。He fell in love with herat first sight.他对那个女孩一见钟情。From the moment we met,I was completelysmitten by her.从一见面的那一刻起,我就完全被她迷住了。Every relationshiphas a lot of ups and downs每一段感情都有许多起伏。Don’t sulk.不要怄气。Don’t get madand don’t blow me off,just answer me, please.不要发疯也别不理我,回答我就行了,求你了。Did you make a scenewith him again?你又和他吵架了?Did Mark get rough with you?mark曾经对你粗暴过吗?Could we notyell at each other?我们可以不要冲着对方嚷嚷吗?Charles was offendedbecause Amanda had rejectedhis amorous advances.查尔斯很恼火,因为阿蔓达拒绝了他的性爱要求。Brad slept with his ex-girlfriend.The weing’s off.I require wine.布拉德睡了他前任,婚礼取消,我要红酒。How did you find out?那你是如何发现的?I’ve had my suspicions for a while,and then Brad finally admittedthat he’s been lying to me about Cindythe whole time we’ve been engaged.我已经起疑心有段时间了,然后布拉德终于承认,在我们订婚以来,他都瞒着我关于他跟辛迪的丑事。Amy’s decided to pay Brad backby seducing Tommy.艾米决定以勾引汤米来报复布拉德。Beauty lies inthe love’s eyes.情人眼里出西施。Are you really thathung up on her?你真的对她如此念念不忘吗?After a whirlwind romancethe couple announcedtheir engagement in July.闪电恋爱后,两人在7月宣布订婚。

爱你深入骨髓英语 爱你的英文高级表达

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